Our terms

By using our website, you’re agreeing to be legally bound by these terms

April 22, 2016

Billing without tax

The Agency of the web portals development KronDesign is not in the system of VAT, payment is made without any additional tax.

Themes and plugins

KronDesign is not responsible for the functioning of themes and plugins. If there is a problem during installation the client will contact independently the author of theme or plugin.


KronDesign is not responsible for the functioning of hosting. If a problem occurs during using hosting, the client will contact independently his hosting provider.

An offer

The offer does not include additional requirements after receiving the offer. Before sending the client must check his request. Subsequent corrections are not included in the price.


The client is obligated to prepare all materials no later than 5 days after payment. Subsequently importation of material is not performed.


Deadline is calculated from the date of payment and delivery of materials and is provided in the offer. The deadline can be 4-5 days in most cases.

Our details

KronDesign is the agency for web portals development in Belgrade, Serbia.
Registration number: 62455918
Tax identification number: 107039098
Firm details: apr // pib


If you have any query or are not sure about any specific matter, please do get in touch and we will advise you accordingly.